Interstate Intrigue

The phrase “interesting interstate” would be considered an oxymoron by any motorcyclist.  The interstate system was spearheaded by Dwight Eisenhower who – as a general – was alarmed at the difficulty of moving troops around the lower 48 states given the existing road system.  No surprise that – as President – he did something about it. The interstates were designed to improve road transportation across the nation, beginning with the Federal Aid – Highway Act of 1956.  So they are good a moving things fast, but otherwise are boring to ride. Nowhere more so than I-94 across North Dakota.

Today we left Bismarck and headed due east on I-94.  The weather was great – low to mid 20’s at least until we reached Fargo where it suddenly jumped to 31 C with increased humidity.  The trip was punctuated by periodic rest stops (fortunately there is one every 75 km or so).  We put on 357 km (of 2503 for the total length of I-94) before veering off to Pelican Rapids where we stopped for coffee. There we met some locals who advised us to take the Otter Trail Scenic Byway as the best route from there to Alexandria.  So we departed from our original plan and did as they suggested. 

Phelps Mill

It was a great change from the tedium  of the interstate.  We picked up CR-3 just south of Pelican Rapids and headed east following CR-24, CR-41 , CR-45 and CR-35 through Maine, Phelps to Battle Lake.  From there we continued on our original route through to Alexandria.