
I’ve always had a fascination with American Politics (by comparison, Mixed Martial Arts comes off as tame) and follow events on a daily basis. Along the way I chanced upon Alexis de Tocqueville’s seminal work “Democracy in America” and found the insights he gained (from his quest to investigate the American Republic in the 1830’s) most intriguing.

A number of years back I was marking time, waiting for a Doctor’s appointment and was perusing one of the magazines provided. One story featured a group of doctors engaged in a fund-raising effort that comprised of visiting a new golf course in a different state each day for forty-eight days. It sounded like fun … except that golf isn’t really my thing … but riding motorcycles … that’s more my style.

From this encounter, the idea emerged to undertake an updated tour of America – in the spirit of de Tocqueville (and take in as many fine motorcycle roads as possible!). Specifically, to visit each of the US State Capitals during a Presidential Election year and take the pulse of the nation – if possible. Meet everyday American’s along the way and ask then how this grand experiment in ‘ordered liberty’ is working out for them and see what they have to say.

In terms of the current Presidential run-off, 2020 looks to be one for the ages … so here goes!