Montana Meander

The distance between Red Lodge and Great Falls is approximately 303 km (as the bird flies), but the fastest route between these two locales is 457 km (at least that is what we drove between them). Which is to say, Montana roads zigzag a wee bit.

Leaving Red Lodge on US-212 we veered northwest along MT-421 to Columbus, a nice stretch of undulating road offering views of the mountains that rim Yellowstone Park. A short segment of !-90 to Big Timber. Heading north on US-191 brought us to Harlowton where our thirty days of no rain ended in a grim windy downpour that assailed us all the way to White Sulphur Springs where we stopped to refuel (and to warm up a bit)

Leaving White Sulphur Springs we continued on US-89 North winding through local mountains amidst the receding rain and mist. By the time we left Monarch the skies cleared and rolling cumulus clouds filled the horizon. U-87 was a blustery stretch with strong crosswinds that buffeted us but otherwise dried us out before our arrival in Great Falls.